
Substation Vagankovskaya

Substation Vagankovskaya 220/20 kV with high voltage cable lines was put onto operation in February 2015. Energomashexport Corporation LLC provided delivery of set of equipment for the present substation. 

The substation is located at Moscow, Khoroshevskoye shosse 43/1. Substation Vagankovskaya is designed to provide energy supply for transport and utility infrastructure and housebuilding in Northern district of Moscow. Besides substation will supply the electricity to electric power system of Moscow from the recently commissioned power-generating unit ПГУ-420 to ТЭЦ-16 ОАО “Mosenergo” and at the same time will increase the reliability of the electrical network 220 kV. Substation capacity – 3x160 MVA.